[act-ma] 12/28, 12/30: Stop the Massacre of Palestinians - EMERGENCY Demonstrations Across the Country

pf soto pfsoto at gmail.com
Sat Dec 27 18:35:27 PST 2008

[this issue should be critical for all americans of conscience; *you 
*pay for Israeli/US terrorism...  our AIPAC-funded congress is 
[also - *in Boston - join the standout for Palestine on Sunday, 12/28 in 
Coolidge Corner, Brookline* - see rule19.org calendar 


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Stop the Massacre of Palestinians!

Tuesday, December 30: National Day of Action
Emergency Demonstrations on Tuesday, December 30 and other days (listed 
The *ANSWER Coalition, Muslim American Society Freedom, Free Palestine 
Alliance, National Council of Arab Americans, and* *Al-Awda, 
International Palestine Right to Return Coalition are calling for 
Tuesday, December 30 to be a National Day of Action *to show solidarity 
with the Palestinian people in Gaza and to demand an immediate end to 
the murderous attacks carried out by the Israeli military against the 
people of Gaza.

*In Washington, D.C., there will be a demonstration at the State 
Department at 4:30 pm. Demonstrations will also be held in cities around 
the country. See below for an initial list.* If there is a demonstration 
in your city, email the details to info at answercoalition.org 
<mailto:info at answercoalition.org> so it can be posted on the ANSWER 
Coalition website and listed in any future emails.


Hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza have been massacred and wounded today 
as Israel has launched a massive bombing campaign against the people of 
Gaza. The bombing rampage took place as thousands of Palestinian 
children were in the streets on their way home from school. Palestinian 
parents were running frantically in the streets looking for their 
children as U.S.-provided F-16s and Apache helicopters rained down more 
than 100 bombs and missiles on Gaza.

The U.S.-backed Israeli Occupation Force destroyed every security 
station in Gaza. AFP reported: "There was no space left in the morgue 
and bodies were piled up in the emergency room and in the corridors, as 
many of the wounded screamed in pain."

Because of the U.S.-backed Israeli blockade and strangulation of the 
people of Gaza for the past 18 months there is little or no medicine to 
treat the wounded, electricity for hospitals, or food or clean water for 
much of the population.

An Israeli military spokesperson said, "The operation is 'only just 
beginning'." The Israeli Defense Ministry said in a statement: "The 
action will continue and will widen as much as is demanded according to 
the evaluation of the situation by the high command of the army."

*Take Action:
- Demonstrations Across the Country
- Send a letter to the State Department and Congress
*Washington, D.C.
*Tuesday, December 30
4:30 pm
State Department: 22nd St & C St NW
Contact: 202-544-3389 x14, dc at answercoalition.org 
<mailto:dc at answercoalition.org>

*San Francisco
*Tuesday, December 30
5:00 pm
Israeli Consulate:456 Montgomery St.
Contact: 415-821-6545, answer at answersf.org <mailto:answer at answersf.org>

*Los Angeles
*Tuesday, December 30
4:30 pm
Israeli Consulate: 6380 Wilshire Blvd.
Contact: 213-251-1025, answerla at answerla.org <mailto:answerla at answerla.org>
*   *   *   *   *
In Anaheim, CA (Orange County):
Sunday, December 28
2:00 pm
512 S. Brookhurst St. (between Orange Ave. & Broadway)
Initiated by a coalition with a large number of groups

*New York City
*Tuesday, December 30
5:00 pm
Israeli Consulate: 800 2nd Ave (b/w 42nd and 43rd Sts)
Contact: 212-694-8720, nyc at answercoalition.org 
<mailto:nyc at answercoalition.org>
*   *   *   *   *
Sunday, December 28
2:00-4:00 pm
Gather at Rockefeller Center
March to the Israeli Consulate: 800 2nd Ave (b/w 42nd and 43rd Sts)
Initiated by Al-Awda New York

*Fort Lauderdale, FL
*Tuesday, December 30
5:00 pm
Federal Building: 299 E. Broward Blvd.
Contact: 954-707-0155, FtLauderdale at answerfl.org 
<mailto:FtLauderdale at answerfl.org>

*Details to be announced
Contact: 773-463-0311, answer at chicagoanswer.net 
<mailto:answer at chicagoanswer.net>

*Details to be announced
Contact: 857-334-5084, boston at answercoalition.org 
<mailto:boston at answercoalition.org>

*Saturday, January 3
12:00 noon - 2:00 pm
Westlake Park: 4th and Pine
Initiated by Voices of Palestine
Contact: general at voicesofpalestine.org 
<mailto:general at voicesofpalestine.org>

*Sunday, December 28
2:00 pm
Israeli Embassy Consulate: 180 Bloor St. West
Initiated by a number of local organizations

*If there is a demonstration in your city, email the details to 
**info at answercoalition.org* <mailto:info at answercoalition.org> so it can 
be posted on the ANSWER Coalition website and listed in any future emails.

*Send a letter to the State Department and Congress: *Join with people 
around the country and around the world who are demanding an end to U.S. 
aid to Israel. This is an urgent situation and we must all act now. You 
can send a letter with our easy click and send system demanding an end 
to U.S. aid to Israel. Without U.S. aid, the Israeli military attacks, 
siege and blockade of Gaza could not be continued. *Click this link now 
to send a letter to the State Department and elected officials in 
Congress.* <http://answer.pephost.org/site/R?i=lomKLiueI75-2B59NnA5Ag..>

*You can help to support this important organizing effort by making a 
financial contribution today. **Click here to donate online, where you 
can also find information on how to contribute by check.* 

*Free Palestine Alliance Statement:* To read a statement from the Free 
Palestine Alliance, *click here* 


*A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition*
info at internationalanswer.org <mailto:info at internationalanswer.org>
National Office in Washington DC: 202-544-3389
New York City: 212-694-8720
Los Angeles: 213-251-1025
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
Chicago: 773-463-0311

If this message was forwared to you and you'd like to receive future 
ANSWER updates,
*Click here to subscribe* 


"/*Qui tacet consentit - *Silence is consent/" 

"/Make it political as hell. And make it irrevocably beautiful./" Tony 
Morrison, on /writing/

pf soto rule19.org <http://rule19.org>  
UPandOUT.org <http://upandout.org>  
AZAPOI.org <http://azapoi.org>


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