[act-ma] TEACH-IN--Noam CHOMSKY et al: "STOP the MASSACRE of GAZA!" Wed 1/21, 7PM: at Palestine Cultural Center for Peace

tom arabia tom_arabia at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 15 15:03:37 PST 2009

The Emergency Gaza Coalition presents:
The truth about the war on Gaza, the US government's role, and why we must fight back!


ASSAF KFOURY, Professor, Boston University
AHMED SHAWKI, Editor, International Socialist Review

with discussion period for all to input their ideas, ask questions, debate and discuss the issues!


and after the event, come to learn, meet activists, pick up new
literature and information and get plugged into the movement!

 6:30PM Bazaar opens, 7PM Teach-in with panelists begins
@ Palestine Cultural Center for Peace
41 Quint Avenue, Allston, MA 02134


for more information or to endorse/co-sponsor this event, or to be represented at activist bazaar, please email:
emergencygazacoalition at gmail.com
or call:617-970-2701

you outraged at Israel's genocidal war path through Gaza? You and
hundreds of millions around the world! Who wouldn't be at the senseless
destruction, loss of innocent life, the targeting of schools and
mosques, the use of horrific chemical weapons such as white phosphorus,
the targeting of aid convoys, youth, power plants that keep water clean
and the little food that's around refrigerated, destruction of
communications infrastructure, the razing of not only homes but whole neighborhoods and cities...
It's an immeasurable catastrophe.

In order for our movement to
be effective and to grow wide and strong, we must come together to
learn and exchange ideas. This conflict raises questions of local,
national, and international significance:

* What is Israel doing? What actually happening on the ground?  Why is this war happening, and why now?  What are Israel's real goals behind the rhetoric?

What is the US's relationship with Israel? Why does the US give Israel
such massive and unflinching support materially and diplomatically,
despite international opposition?

* Can we do anything about it?
What does the grassroots movement against this war look like here and
abroad, where is it going? Does what we do in our own neighborhoods and
schools really matter?

Let's educate ourselves to build this movement and really make a difference!

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