[act-ma] Workers Memorial Commemoration, April 28, 12:00, State House

Marcy Goldstein-GElb marcygg at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 13 08:48:45 PDT 2009

Save the 
Mourn for the dead, Fight for 
the living:  
2009 Workers Memorial Day Commemoration 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009; 12:00 - 
1:15 PM, 
State House steps.  
Breakfast for families of fallen 
workers, 10:30 AM, State House, Room 511.  

Main Event Rain location: 
Near Grand Staircase, Inside State House.  

Join us 
as we remember those who lost their lives, were injured or made ill on the job 
and renew our call for strong workplace safety protections and swift 
Sponsored by MassCOSH, Mass. AFL-CIO and Greater Boston Labor 
Please see and circulate 
attached flyer.  
- Marcy
From: marcygg at hotmail.com
To: act-ma at act-ma.org
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 23:18:30 -0400
Subject: [act-ma] Workers Memorial Commemoration, April 28, 12:00,	State House

Save the 
Mourn for the dead, Fight for 
the living:  
2009 Workers Memorial Day Commemoration 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009; 12:00 - 
1:15 PM, State House steps.  
Breakfast for families of fallen 
workers, 10:30 AM, State House, Room 511.  

Main Event Rain location: 
Near Grand Staircase, Inside State House.  

Join us 
as we remember those who lost their lives, were injured or made ill on the job 
and renew our call for strong workplace safety protections and swift 
Sponsored by MassCOSH, Mass. AFL-CIO and Greater Boston Labor 
Please see and circulate 
attached flyer.  
- Marcy
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb
MassCOSH (Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and 
617-825-7233 x15
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