[act-ma] 5/13: Israel/Palestine, South Africa, and the USA

Janet janet at communitychangeinc.org
Thu May 7 08:49:21 PDT 2009

Community Change Inc.

Brown Bag Anti-Racism Discussion Series 2009
Changing the Public Discourse around Race



  What—if any—parallels can be drawn between the Zionist project and  
the ideology and impact of “white supremacy” that justified westward  
expansion and buttressed Jim Crow segregation in the United States?  
What are the links between Israel and apartheid South Africa and to  
what extent can the apartheid analogy be applied to Israel/Palestine?  
After exploring these questions, this talk will examine the movement  
against Israeli apartheid, which is gathering momentum  
internationally and within the US.

May 13, 2009 (Wednesday)
12 noon – 1:30 pm
Community Change Library on Racism
14 Beacon Street, First Floor Conference Room
Boston MA

Presenter: Nancy Murray, who holds a BA from Harvard University and a  
Ph.D. from Oxford University, is a life-long human rights activist.  
After teaching for seven years at the University of Nairobi, she  
directed a nation-wide program to combat racism in the media at  
London’s Institute of Race Relations, and remains on the editorial  
committee of its journal, Race & Class. She has been an advocate for  
the rights of the Palestinian people for more than two decades, and  
has founded and participated in several organizations that seek to  
change US policy and promote a just solution to the Israeli- 
Palestinian conflict. Among her publications are numerous articles on  
the conflict and a book, Palestinians: Life Under Occupation. She has  
also written a chapter on the post 9/11 profiling of Muslims and  
Arabs in the award-winning book edited by Elaine Hagopian, Civil  
Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims.

Please bring your lunch. Beverages will be provided. $5 contribution  
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED!!! RSVP (617) 523-0555 or  
janet at communitychangeinc.org
Community Change, Inc 617-523-0555 www.communitychangeinc.org
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