[act-ma] Food not Bombs 30th Anniversary - planning meeting - Oct. 22, 7pm

Susie Husted susie_husted at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 15 09:02:35 PDT 2009

Food Not Bombs
30th Anniversary Festival!
May 23, 2010

Join Food not Bombs in celebrating 30 years of free meals and political protest. Food Not Bombs started as an anti-nuclear action against the Seabrook, New Hampshire Power Plant in 1980. Since then it has blossomed into an international movement providing free food and helping various grassroots struggles across the globe. 
Anyone who is interested in helping plan this festival to take place next spring should come to an OPEN COMMUNITY MEETING on OCTOBER 22nd at 7pm 
located in Copley Square at 565 Boylston St #2, Boston, MA

This meeting is intended to get community input into the project and
evaluate resources. Please come with constructive ideas and an open mind.

For more info please contact Food not Bombs-Boston at:
fnbboston at gmail.com, 631-875-5936
Join us on Facebook at:  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=167704423736
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