[act-ma] Fw: Nader: Next Friday at the JP Forum

Michael Borkson nosanctions at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 24 16:41:31 PDT 2009

--- On Sat, 10/24/09, MGA Updates & Announcements <update at massglobalaction.org> wrote:

From: MGA Updates & Announcements <update at massglobalaction.org>
Subject: [mga-update] Nader: Next Friday at the JP Forum
To: "update" <update at massglobalaction.org>
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 8:35 AM

Dear friends,

Please see the announcement below from our colleagues at the Jamaica
Plain Forum:


Friday, October 30 at 7 pm

First Church UU of Jamaica Plain

6 Eliot Street at the Monument

Jamaica Plain

For more information: www.jamaicaplainforum.org

America's stalwart fighter against corporate abuse will talk about new
strategies to build economic justice as well as his new novel, "Only
the Super-Rich Can Save Us."


Additional event: We will also be hosting Ralph later in November as
part of the Majority Agenda Project.

update mailing list
update at massglobalaction.org

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