[act-ma] Reminder: 11/21 Green-Rainbow Party Convention - Worcester-- AllInvited!

Michael Horan michaelhoran at comcast.net
Thu Nov 19 20:16:26 PST 2009

Join us to jumpstart a Healthy, Green Massachusetts!
Speakers! Workshops! Tabling!

WHEN: Saturday, November 21, 9AM - 5:30PM

WHERE: Clark University -- Tilton Hall, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA

WEB: http://www.greenrainbow.org

OPEN TO ALL. Green-Rainbow registration NOT required for attendance!.

Join us as the Green Rainbow Party kicks the 2010 campaign cycle into high 
gear. Come hear about the Green Rainbow vision for a healthy, green 
Commonwealth. Help build the electoral strategy, and meet Green-Rainbow 
office holders and potential candidates.
We'll hear from grassroots groups who are leading the way to stop the fossil 
fuel power plants polluting their communities, create secure green jobs in 
local agriculture and clean renewable energy, fight cruel evictions, and end 
racist CORI and drug laws.
We'll hear from people who are making a difference in their communities and 
blazing the trail for vibrant local economies, community-based green jobs, 
alternative energy, a wholesome and secure food supply, housing safe from 
foreclosures - and healthcare for people, not for profit!.
And we'll learn the on-the-ground skills we need to run for - and win - 
office, to manage campaigns, and to advance the Green-Rainbow Party vision 
for the future.

Join us at Clark University's Tilton Hall on Saturday, November 21st. Come 
share the inspiration and leave empowered with things you can do in your 
community right now to build the peaceful, just, green future we deserve - 
and that is within our reach!

Hope to see you there!

More information, or to preregister:


Admission fee: Sliding scale ($10-$50. Waivers available.)

Child care available with advanced notice. Let us know ASAP!

Admission to the Convention is open to all (with the basic admission fee). 
However, you must be a Green-Rainbow Party member to participate in the 
votes during the afternoon business session [It's easy to join the party --  
just register GRP, or if you are registered Unenrolled, or not registered to 
vote, just pay GRP dues]. To volunteer to help with the convention or to get 
more information email convention.coordinator at green-rainbow.org. 

Michael Horan
Stoughton, MA 02072


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