[act-ma] Fwd: Correction: 6/11 Cultural Potluck @ MA State House, 5:30-8PM — Day 5/Night 5 of Mass Hope continuous vigil (Friday)

Lily Huang lily.yimche.huang at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 08:48:16 PDT 2010

> 6/11 Cultural Potluck @ MA State House, 5:30-8PM — Day 5/Night 5 of Mass
> Hope continuous vigil (Friday)
> Please join us for a community potluck in solidarity with the Mass Hope
> Vigil 2010! Share friends and food and Eat together! Or simply visit the 5
> th day and night of the vigil and donate food, water and supplies!
> Mass Hope 2010 is a continuous 24 hour, 7 days a week vigil in front of the
> Massachusetts State House to protest Senate Amendment 172.1, to raise
> awareness of this amendment to the general public and to hope that the
> Senate, the Congress and Governor Patrick retract and veto SA 172.1.
> SA 172.1 include:
>    - Creating an anonymous telephone ‘hotline’ where callers can report
>    people that they suspect are using false documents or hiring undocumented
>    workers. (This would create fear and break apart families and communities
>    and will be costly for MA as the gov’t will need to staff the hotline and
>    investigate every report.)
>    - Blocking limited and basic health care for undocumented people. (This
>    would create barriers to health care for all and put us all at risk for
>    higher emergency costs and communal diseases.)
>    - Requiring stricter requirements for housing, social security and
>    health benefits, for documented or undocumented people. (This
>    requirement would make receiving benefits for all, especially poor and
>    lower income people, more difficult. This is redundant because people
>    without documents can not receive social security, welfare, food stamps
>    and federal housing vouchers.)
>    - And many more anti-immigrant, costly and hateful amendments!
> Also, We need you! Can you participate in the vigil? Can your organization
> sponsor the Mass Hope 2010 campaign? Can you organize a teach-in, workshop,
> art night, etc. at the vigil?
> For more information, please visit us at the State House, anytime, day or
> night! Visit www.masshope2010.com or call Lily Huang from the Student
> Immigrant Movement, 857-204-5550.
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