[act-ma] Tuesday: Join us at Senator Kerry's office!

Cole Harrison cole at masspeaceaction.org
Sun Aug 28 18:24:29 PDT 2011


Dear friend,

*[image: John Kerry]With Congress at home for August recess, it's time to
turn the focus to jobs and peace, not cuts*.  Senator Kerry needs to know
that we want him to focus on restoring the economy by creating jobs and
ending the wars, not making more cuts to vital programs. Progressives
nationwide have already had an impact early on during the recess—now it's up
to us to keep after Senator Kerry!

*Peace Action and our 25% Coalition partners will join with MoveOn for a
rally in Boston at Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, at  4:00 PM.  Ca*n you join us to
make sure Senator Kerry hears our message, "Fund Our Communities, Not War,"
loud and clear?

*Click here to RSVP for the rally.

We will meet with Senator Kerry's staff on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, at  4:00
PM,  in front of the Senator's office at One Bowdoin Square, Boston -- use
the Bowdoin or Government Center T stops.

MoveOn will be urging Senator Kerry as a member of the Super Committee to
stand up to Republican hostage-taking and calling on him to support no
cutbacks to social services and make the wealthy pay their fair share of

Peace Action and the 25% Coalition will carry our "Fund Our Communities Not
War" signs to say that the Super Committee must also end the wars and cut
the military budget.   *That's where the money is!*

*Click here to RSVP for the rally.

*If you can't make it on Tuesday, sign the Appeal to Senator


Cole Harrison
Communications Director, Massachusetts Peace Action

*Join Massachusetts Peace
or renew your membership today for 2011!
Dues are $40/year or $10 for student/****unemployed/****low income.   Your
financial support<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=5&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmasspeaceaction.org%2F1380>makes
this work possible!

[image: PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay

Massachusetts Peace
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169  • info at masspeaceaction.org • Follow us on

Cole Harrison
Communications Director
Massachusetts Peace Action
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
Facebook: facebook.com/masspeaceaction
Twitter: masspeaceaction
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