[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Sep 25 18:26:42 PDT 2011

Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most  
Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston  
area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents  http://hubevents.blogspot.com is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events  
email gmoke at world.std.com


Independent Ukraine: Energy, Corruption and Politics - A Mini-symposium
WHEN  Mon., Sep. 26, 2011, 4 – 6 p.m.
WHERE Harvard, CGIS South Building, Room S-050
1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Conferences, Environmental Sciences,  
Humanities, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Ukrainian Research Institute
Margarita Balmaceda, Seton Hall University
Gene Fishel, U.S. Department of State
Tammy Lynch, Boston University
COST  Free of charge, open to the general public


The 2011-12 August Zaleski Lecture: "European Dimension of the Global  
Financial Crisis"
WHEN  Mon., Sep. 26, 2011, 4:15 – 6 p.m.
WHERE  Lower Level Conference Room, Busch Hall (27 Kirkland Street at  
Cabot Way)
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Business, Lecture, Social Sciences, Special  
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  August Zaleski Lectures Series
SPEAKER(S)  Marek Belka, governor of the Central Bank of Poland
COST  Free
CONTACT INFO  Grzegorz Ekiert; Sarah Delude: sadelude at fas.harvard.edu


The Arab Spring, the 2011 UN Meetings and the Way Ahead: British  
WHEN  Mon., Sep. 26, 2011, 4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
WHERE  Littauer 130, Harvard Kennedy School, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Co-Sponsored by The Future of Diplomacy Project  
and the Middle East Initiative, Belfer Center for Science and  
International Affairs
SPEAKER(S)  Alistair Burt, UK Foreign Office minister for North  
America and the Middle East (parliamentary under secretary of state)

Introduction by Professor Tarek Masoud, Assistant Professor of Public  
CONTACT INFO  middle_east_initiative at hks.harvard.edu, 617.495.5963


Mideast Newsreel: UN Recognition of the State of Palestine
WHEN  Mon., Sep. 26, 2011, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
WHERE  Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Room 102, 38 Kirkland  
Street, Cambridge, MA
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Center for Middle Eastern Studies
SPEAKER(S)  Herbert C. Kelman, Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of  
Social Ethics Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
CONTACT INFO  Liz Flanagan: elizabethflanagan at fas.harvard.edu
The CMES Mideast Newsreel series is a public discussion program in  
which senior faculty present an analysis of current events as a key to  
the understanding of contemporary history in a Middle Eastern country  
or region.
LINK  http://cmes.hmdc.harvard.edu/node/2739


A Discussion with The Boston Globe
WHEN  Mon., Sep. 26, 2011, 5:30 – 8 p.m.
WHERE  Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, Walter Lippmann  
House, One Francis Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Business, Lecture, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard
SPEAKER(S)  Martin Baron, editor of The Boston Globe; Chris Mayer, the  
Globe’s publisher; Michael Manning, product director; and Lisa  
DeSisto, the newspaper’s chief advertising officer; Joshua Benton,  
director of the Nieman Journalism Lab (moderator)
COST  Free; please RSVP
TICKET WEB LINK  niemanlabglobe.eventbrite.com
TICKET INFO  niemanlabglobe.eventbrite.com
CONTACT INFO  Joshua Benton: joshua_benton at harvard.edu
NOTE  Concerned about the future of newspapers? Wondering if a paywall  
model work for a major metro newspaper? Join executives from The  
Boston Globe for a discussion about the much-anticipated and newly  
launched BostonGlobe.com. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
LINK http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/09/a-nieman-lab-event-come-talk-with-boston-globe-leaders-about-their-new-strategy-sept-26/


Monday, September 26, 2011
7:00 PM
Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter
Exploring thickeners to manipulate mouthfeel
Speaker: Carles Tejedor (Via Veneto), Fina Puigdevall and Pere  
Planagumà (les Coles)
Harvard Science Center C, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA


Monday, September 26, 2011
Tess Thackara: How Using Films And Images Can Shift Public Opinion and  
Change History
Speaker: Tess Thackara
Time: 7:00p–9:00p
Location: MIT, E15-070, Bartos Theater
Zones of Emergency: Artistic Interventions -- Creative Responses to  
Conflict & Crisis

Tess Thackara, Director, Survival International (USA)
Popularizing the Fight for Indigenous Rights: How Using Films and  
Images Can Shift Public Opinion and Change History

This lecture explores the work and methodology of human rights group  
Survival International, with a particular focus on the group's efforts  
to generate a groundswell of support for tribal people all over the  
world. Using Survival films and campaigns as case studies, the lecture  
will focus on the need to popularize the narrative surrounding  
indigenous land rights. Tess Thackara directs the USA office of  
Survival International, whose major campaign successes include the  
Indian government banning aluminum giant Vedanta Resources from mining  
the sacred lands of the Dongria Kondh tribe in 2010, and the High  
Court of Botswana's affirming the Bushmen's right to access water on  
their ancestral lands in 2011.

The Zones of Emergency: Artistic Interventions -- Creative Responses  
to Conflict & Crisis Fall 2011 lecture series investigates initiatives  
and modes of intervention in contested spaces, zones of conflict, or  
areas affected by environ?mental disasters. We will explore whether  
artistic interventions can transform, disrupt or subvert current  
environmental, urban, political and social conditions in critical  
ways. How can these interventions propose ideas, while at the same  
time respecting the local history and culture?

Web site: act.mit.edu
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free and open to the public.
Sponsor(s): MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of  
Architecture and Planning
For more information, contact:
Laura Anca Chichisan Pallone
act at mit.edu


Monday September 26, 2011
7pm (note special start time for this month)
Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Square)

Featuring Nerd-appropriate tunes by Claude Money

Talk 1. “What is Evil? Understanding Human Cruelty in a Secular World”  
by Kate Elliott

Talk 2. “What Albums and Lattes Have in Common: Consumer Psychology  
and the Music Business” by Jodi Beggs

Talk 3. “The Evolution of Endurance Running” by Dave Rosen

For more information about the speakers and the talks:



Nuclear 101: How Nuclear Weapons Work
WHEN  Tue., Sep. 27, 2011, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
WHERE  Belfer Center Library, Littauer 369, Harvard Kennedy School, 79  
JFK Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Science, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Project on Managing the Atom
SPEAKER(S)  Matthew Bunn, associate professor of public policy, co- 
principal investigator, Project on Managing the Atom
CONTACT INFO  susan_lynch at harvard.edu
LINK  http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/events/5575/nuclear_101.html


Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster: Don't Blame the Quake
Speaker: Professor Eduardo Kausel, MIT
Time: 12:00p–1:00p
Location: MIT, Building 1-131, 77 Mass Avenue, Cambridge

CEE Mechanics Seminar

The catastrophic Tohoku earthquake of Friday March 11, 2011, was the  
largest to hit Japan in modern times, causing strong and long-lasting  
shaking. Tragically, the massive temblor also elicited a very large  
tsunami that devastated some coastal towns, led to casualties in the  
tens of thousands, and initiated a very serious chain of failures at  
the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Making use of some  
powerful historical evidence as well as some stunning photos, a case  
is made in this talk that the Fukushima disaster was largely  
avoidable, having resulted mainly from a failure to consider in its  
design the size and frequency of large tsunami off Japan?s Pacific  
coast. The calamity which befell Fukushima will certainly cast a dark,  
long shadow of suspicion and mistrust upon the nuclear industry from  
which it will emerge only with difficulty.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering

For more information, contact:
Markus Buehler
mbuehler at MIT.ED


Tuesday, September 27

12 p.m.

"Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America."
Speaker Series with Jeff Madrick, editor of Challenge magazine; Senior  
Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute.
Harvard, Taubman 275, 5 Eliot Street, Cambridge



 From Tehran to Tahrir: Social Media and Dynamics of Collective Action  
under Authoritarian RegimesZeynep Tufekci, University of North Carolina
Tuesday, September 27, 12:30 pm
Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, Cambridge second floor
RSVP required for those attending in person via http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/node/7022
This event will be webcast live at 12:30 pm ET and archived on our  
site (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/interactive/webcast) shortly after.

 From Zeynep:

What role did the new media ecology play in the ouster of long- 
standing dictators in Egypt and Tunisia as well as the continuing  
unrest across the region? In this talk, I present data from a large  
protester survey (n=1050) undertaken in Tahrir during February of 2011  
and conceptually examine how the new media ecology, composed of  
satellite TVs, social media and cell phones, upsets the erstwhile  
stable dynamics of repression under “durable authoritarianism.” (Data  
collected by the Tahrir Data Project, run by the Engine Room research  
collective.) In short, authoritarian regimes often survive by creating  
a collective action problem for their citizenry through isolation,  
censorship and repression of dissent (“whack-a-protest”); social media  
introduces novel dynamics to this old game by changing the shape of  
connectivity networks, by facilitating information and action  
cascades, by undermining censorship and by facilitating the formation  
of new publics.

About Zeynep
Zeynep Tufekci is an assistant professor at the University of North  
Carolina, Chapel Hill at the School of Information and Library Science  
with an affiliate appointment in the Department of Sociology. She is  
also a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at  
Harvard University. Her research revolves around the interaction  
between technology and social, cultural and political dynamics. She is  
particularly interested in collective action and social movements,  
complex systems, surveillance, privacy, and sociality.

Editorial Comment:  Seen her speak before and she is one smart person  
who knows what she is talking about.

Microsoft Research @ 20 Years
Date: Tuesday, September 27 2011
Time: 3:00PM to 6:30PM
Refreshments: 6:30PM
Location: Microsoft Conference Center, One Memorial Drive, F
Contact: Be Blackburn, 857-453-6307, irenem at microsoft.com
Unlike our other seminars and talks, we strongly encourage you to  
R.S.V.P. at www.MSR20.com as your R.S.V.P. code.

Join us at the Microsoft Research New England Lab for a unique  
experience as we mark 20 years @ Microsoft Research.

Our symposium will feature a dozen short non-technical talks and a  
panel highlighting research areas in which we are actively engaged  
including CS theory, machine learning, cryptography, security, cloud  
computing, computational biology, healthcare, empirical economics,  
social media and privacy.

The symposium will be followed by a brief reception, during which some  
interesting demos will be available.

2:30 pm Arrival | 3:00 pm Symposium | 6:30 pm Reception | 7:30
pm Adjourn

3:00pm Video and Welcome - Jennifer Chayes
3:10pm Communication, Computing and Technology - Madhu Sudan
3:20pm Cryptography Resilient to Physical Attacks - Yael Kalai
3:30pm (Un)usable Security - Butler Lampson
3:40pm Algorithmic Pricing of Online Services - Ilan Lobel, NYU
3:50pm Systems Biology: Where Computer Science, Engineering and  
Biology Meet - Ernest Fraenkel, MIT
4:00pm BREAK
4:20pm Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing - Adam Kalai
4:30pm Data-driven Decision Making in Healthcare Systems - Mohsen  
Bayati, Stanford
4:40pm Health Care Decisions in the Information Age - Ben Handel,  
4:50pm The Effects of News Aggregators and Social Media on Online News  
Consumption - Susan Athey, Harvard; Markus Mobius
5:10pm BREAK
5:30pm Talking heads: Cell phones, gender and privacy in Indian  
villages - Kate Crawford, University of New South Wales
5:40pm Privacy in the Age of Augmented Reality - Alessandro Acquisti,  
5:50pm PANEL: Privacy: Issues and Perspectives
Moderator: Ethan Zuckerman, Berkman Center, Harvard
Panelists: Chris Conley, Berkman Center, Harvard; Alessandro  
Acquisiti, CMU; Kate Crawford, University of New South Wales
6:25pm Closing Comments - Christian Borgs
6:30pm Reception and Demos

Irene Money
Business Manager, Microsoft Research New England

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Global Leadership Lecture Series
Scott Davis, CEO, UPS
“The Future of Logistics and Trade”
Time: 3:45pm-5pm
Location: E51-Wong Auditorium

UPS Chairman and CEO Scott Davis will speak with MIT Professor Yossi  
Sheffi in a candid and wide ranging conversation about logistics,  
global commerce, and other timely issues. As a member of the  
President’s Export Council, Mr. Davis is one of the nation’s leading  
advocates for free and open global trade. He will talk about the rise  
of emerging economies and the weak U.S. economic recovery. He’ll  
discuss the need for U.S. leadership in global trade and improved  
competitiveness, with more investment in transportation  
infrastructure. UPS is a sustainability leader with a rolling  
laboratory of alternative fuel vehicles, and Davis will discuss the  
company’s efforts to reduce consumption of fossil fuels and carbon  
footprint. He will speak with Dr. Sheffi from the perspective as a  
leader of one of the world’s largest logistics providers serving more  
than 220 countries.

Scott Davis earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from Portland State  
University and completed the Advanced Management Program at the  
Wharton School of Business. He joined UPS in 1986 when the company  
acquired an Oregon technology company, II Morrow, where he had served  
as the chief financial officer and then chief executive officer. From  
1991 to 1998, Scott held positions of increasing responsibility as  
treasury manager, financial reports and plans manager and accounting  
manager. From late 1998 to early 2000, he served as chief executive  
officer of Overseas Partners, Ltd., a Bermuda reinsurance company.  
Scott rejoined UPS as its vice president of finance in 2000. He joined  
the UPS Management Committee and assumed the role of Chief Financial  
Officer in 2001. In 2006, Scott was also appointed Vice Chairman.  
Scott became Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2008.  
He serves as a director of Honeywell International Inc. and was  
chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in 2009.  
He is presently a member of the President’s Export Council. Scott is  
also a trustee of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the world’s largest  
philanthropic foundation dedicated to helping disadvantaged children.
  We hope to see you next Tuesday!

Tara Faulkner
ph: 617-253-4592
cell: 978-828-8913


Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Brain on Stress: How the Social Environment “Gets Under the Skin”
Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D.
Alfred E. Mirsky Professor, Head of the Harold and Margaret Milliken  
Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology
The Rockefeller University

Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Mass.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"Towards New Histories of Production: Where Have We Been, and Where  
Might We Go?
Speaker: David Edgerton, Centre for the History of Science,Technology  
and Medicine, Imperial College London
Time: 4:30p–6:00p
Location: MIT, Building E51-275
Sahin Seminar

The cultural turn and the emphasis on consumption has marginalised  
questions of production from many branches of history. We need both to  
renew the pioneering work of the 1970s and early 1980s on the topic,  
and to look to the renewed emphasis of production in several branches  
of history.

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free

Sponsor(s): History Office

For more information, contact:
Margo Collett
mcollett at mit.edu


South Asia Initiative Harish C. Mahindra Lecture: "Empowering 3 Billion"
WHEN  Tue., Sep. 27, 2011, 5 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE  Loeb House, 17 Quincy Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Education, Humanities, Lecture, Social  
Sciences, Special Events
SPEAKER(S)  APJ Abdul Kalam, 11th president of India
COST  Free
TICKET INFO  Seating is limited
CONTACT INFO  sainit at fas.harvard.edu
LINK  http://southasiainitiative.harvard.edu


12th Annual John T. Dunlop Lecture: Three Myths About Affordable Housing
WHEN  Tue., Sep. 27, 2011, 6 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Graduate School of Design, 48 Quincy Street, Cmabridge
Gund Hall, Piper Auditorium
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Art/Design, Business, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Joint Center for Housing Studies, supported by  
the National Housing Endowment
SPEAKER(S)  Jonathan Reckford, chief executive officer, Habitat for  
Humanity International
CONTACT INFO  617.495.7908
LINK  http://www.jchs.harvard.edu


Intercollegiate Energy Social
September 27, 2011 - 7:00pm
John Harvard's (Harvard Sq.) 33 Dunster Street Cambridge, MA
Are you a student and passionate about energy? Come to an  
intercollegiate energy social this Tuesday (9/27/11) for some energy  
community building, debate, and discussion!  All are welcome, and  
energy clubs from schools around Boston are invited to this  
intercollegiate mixer.  This will be a unique opportunity to meet  
graduate and undergraduate students who are passionate about energy.  
Hope to see you there!

Details:  Meet in the bar area - over and under 21 welcome.

Invited clubs:
Babson Energy and Environment Club
Boston University Energy Club
Dartmouth Energy Collaborative
Dartmouth Energy Journal Club
Fletcher Energy Consortium
Harvard Business School Energy and Environment Club Harvard Energy  
Journal Club Harvard Global Energy Initiative Harvard Kennedy School  
Energy and Environment Professional Interest Council MIT Energy Club  
Tufts Energy Forum UNH Energy Club


Tuesday, September 27, 2011
MIT Generator - Sustainability in Action
Time: 7:00p–9:00p
Location: MIT, Stata-R&D Commons
Want to learn about how students, faculty, and staff can collaborate  
around energy, environment, and sustainability? Have an idea for  
something new? Come to the Generator!

The MIT Generator hosts a forum for groups currently working on  
energy, the environment, and sustainability to share their work and  
for anyone to pitch new ideas and projects. Find funding for your  
green idea. Hear about existing efforts from many of the major campus  
and city groups. Meet new collaborators. Share your ideas for changing  
our campus and city!

Join a project. Lead a team. Help the world.

DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED. (Compostable tableware will also be provided,  
but the greenest thing to do is bring your own reusable tableware.)

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Sustainability at MIT

For more information, contact:
Sam Crawford
sustainability-president at mit.edu


"Creating More Sustainable Suburbs: Lessons from Around the World"
A Conversation with Paul Lukez
Tuesday, September 27, 7:30pm
Arlington High Learning Commons, 869 Massachusetts Avenue
Organized by Sustainable Arlington in collaboration with Arlington  
Community Education

Across the globe, suburbia and its by-products have evolved into a  
complex array of urban conditions that consume an ever-increasing  
portion of our landscape and resources.  What can be done to make the  
modern metropolis more sustainable? Based on his research in the US,  
China and Europe, architect Paul Lukez will discuss new models for  
building more sustainable environments and consider how they apply to  
Arlington and other local communities.

Paul Lukez is the author of Suburban Transformations and the  
forthcoming Transforming the Mid-Polis.

This event is the first in Arlington Community Ed’s Tuesday Night  
Conversation series moderated by Fortune magazine editor-at-large  
David Whitford.
Admission is $5. Advance registration is recommended. For registration  
information use this link <http://arlingtoncommunityed.org/registration/index.php 
and use CODE: TC001, or call 781 316-3568.
For additional Arlington Community Education class offerings, visit http://arlingtoncommunityed.org/index.php 


Cambridge Community Center Winter Market
Cambridge's first Winter Market is coming to the Cambridge Community  
Center. The market is expected to run every Saturday from January 7th  
to April 28th 2012. The market will take place inside the gym of the  
community center. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with  
setup and breakdown of the market.

We are also holding advisory committee meetings where we will be  
discussing the details of the market.

The first meeting will take place on September 27th 2011.

If you would like to attend please request an invitation by emailing  
Jose Mendez the Director of Marketing and Outreach at josem at cambridgecommunitycenter.org 


Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Science Impact Collaborative Luncheon
Speaker: Lawrence Susskind, Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental  
Planning, DUSP; Director, Science Impact Collaborative
Time: 12:00p–2:00p
Location: MIT, Building 9-554
Science Impact Collaborative Luncheon

Water is Not a Scarce Resources (if Transboundary Negotiations Are  
Structured Properly)

The conventional wisdom about water negotiations is that they  
inevitably take a zero-sum form. The Water Diplomacy Framework  
(www.waterdiplomacy. org) seeks to challenge that notion, along with  
other assumptions about the best ways of managing water supplies and  
resolving water conflicts.

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/dusp/epp/music/
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): DUSP, EPP

For more information, contact:
Nina Tamburello
ninat at mit.edu


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Energy 101 : The Science behind Global Warming

Speaker: Daniel Chavas

Time: 12:30p–1:30p

Location: MIT, Building 3-133

Energy 101 Series
Presenting the basics of various energy-related topics.

Energy 101 lecture on the science behind global warming. FREE FOOD.

Web site: http://www.mitenergyclub.org/events-and-programs/energy-101

Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:
MIT Energy Club
aziz_a at mit.edu


September 28, 2011 - 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Contact Name:  Michael Rutter
mrutter at seas.harvard.edu
Harvard, Maxwell Dworkin 115, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Science, Technology, and India's Policy: Energy, Nuclear Power, Space  
and IT
Featuring Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India and current  
Chancellor of the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
Join Dr. Kalam in a discussion about how the Diaspora can be better  
engaged in the process of enhancing research and higher education in  
India. Sponsored by the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied  
Sciences and the Harvard South Asia Initiative.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: From Fundamental Thermal Analysis to  
Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications

Speaker: Prof. Jodie L. Lutkenhaus (Texas A&M University)

Time: 3:30p–4:45p

Location: MIT, Building 4-237

Program in Polymer Science and Technology (PPST) Polymer Seminars
PPST sponsors a series of seminars covering a broad range of topics of  
general interest to the polymer community,featuring speakers from both  
on and off campus.

MIT Program in Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Seminar

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/ppst/schedule.html

Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE
Sponsor(s): MIT Program in Polymer Science and Technology (PPST)
For more information, contact:
Gregory Sands
(617) 253-0949
ppst-www at mit.edu


September 29, 2011
MIT, Building E19-623
Using Biology to Build Nanomaterials for Energy & The Environment
Angela Belcher, W.M. Keck Professor of Energy, Materials Science and  
Engineering and Biological Engineering, MIT



Anonymizing Personal Data: Three Case Studies and a Funeral
Vitaly Shmatikov , Associate Professor of Computer Science, the  
University of Texas at Austin
When:  Sep 29, 2011
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Where:  Harvard, Maxwell Dworkin G125, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge
"We do not collect personally identifiable information"...  "This  
dataset has been de-identified prior to release"...  From advertisers  
tracking Web clicks to biomedical researchers sharing clinical  
records, anonymization is the main privacy protection mechanism used  
for sensitive data today.

I will demonstrate that the distinction between "personally  
identifiable" and "non-personally identifiable" information is  
fallacious by showing how to infer private information from fully  
anonymized data in three settings:  (1) records of individual  
transactions and preferences, illustrated by theNetflix Prize dataset,  
(2) social networks, and (3) recommender systems, where temporal  
changes in aggregate statistics allow accurate inference of hidden  
individual transactions.

I will also describe new approaches to privacy-preserving computation  
based on a combination of mandatory access control and differential  

Speaker Biography:  Vitaly Shmatikov is an associate professor of  
computer science at the University of Texas at Austin. He works on  
security and privacy.
Host:  Stephen Chong
Contact:  Gioia Sweetland
gioia at seas.harvard.edu 617-495-2919


Global Economic Turbulence and the Competitiveness of Small Countries:  
A Perspective from Montenegro
WHEN  Thu., Sep. 29, 2011, 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.
WHERE  WAPPP Cason Conference Room (T-102), Taubman Building, Harvard  
Kennedy School
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Social Sciences, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Kokkalis Program on Southeastern and East- 
Central Europe, Harvard Kennedy School
SPEAKER(S)  Milorad Katnic, minister of finance, Republic of Montenegro
LINK  http://www.hks.harvard.edu/kokkalis/


Impact of Current Developments in the Middle East on the Economic  
WHEN  Thu., Sep. 29, 2011, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
WHERE  Bell Hall, 5th Floor Belfer Building, Harvard Kennedy School,  
79 JFK Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Middle East Initiative, Belfer Center for  
Science and International Affairs
SPEAKER(S)  Raed H. Charafeddine, first vice-governor of the Banque du  
Liban, Lebanon’s Central Bank
CONTACT INFO  middle_east_initiative at hks.harvard.edu, 617.495.5963
LINK http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/events/5552/impact_of_current_developments_in_the_middle_east_on_the_economic_outlook.html


The 3rd annual Massachusetts Green Career Conference will be held  
September 30th, 2011.
Holiday Inn, Marlborough, MA
Join us to learn what's new!  Register @ http://greencareer.eventbrite.com 


September 30
8:30 am
TROMP Tutorial with Green Streets Walk/Ride Day,
Kennedy/Longfellow School, 158 Spring Street, Cambridge



September 30 – October 3
events based in Davis Square, Somerville, Harvard Square, Cambridge, &  
Boston Harbor


HONK!: the worthy craze sweeping the nation – from Boston to  
Providence to Brooklyn to Austin to Seattle -- and every Fall back to  
Boston, with HONK! bands migrating from far and near, descending upon  
the HONK! epicenter, where festival participants (including the  
audience) can gaggle, gander, and generate the gregarious racket that  
signifies the HONK! experience.

The HONK! phenomenon was born 6 years ago in Davis Square spurred on  
by a need of a certain species of street band to congregate and  
celebrate their social activist side. HONK! lets the good times roll  
while being ever mindful that some bad times need fixing. HONK!  
believes that street-wise music can be the agent of change for the  
better. HONK! is the universal tongue for hey-wake-up-and-pay-attention!

This year there will be honk-like opportunities galore with outdoor  
band concerts in Davis, spilling over into Harvard Square and  
surrounding neighborhoods, and for the first time ever, splashing out  
into the Boston Harbor. Rain or shine from September 30 through  
October 3, HONK! will release its clarion call throughout the Boston- 
area – a call to wage peace, harmony, and just plain fun.

The confirmed HONK! band count is currently almost 30, with one to two  
new ones being added weekly. But when the final count is in, there’ll  
still be plenty of chances for folks to jump in at the last minute and  
join the merry fray. For example, individual musicians not connected  
to any particular HONK! band are invited to participate on Sunday,  
October 2nd, in the impromptu “community band” which will be part of  
the gigantic HONK! Parade to Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes and  

Take note that in previous years HONK! has been held on Columbus Day  
weekend, but due to the 2011 dates conflicting with Yom Kippur, the  
festival has been scheduled a week earlier. Festival updates can be  
found at www.honkfest.org, http://twitter.com/honkfest, and www.facebook.com/honkfestival 
, or by calling 617-383-HONK (4665).


Friday, September 30
"Relating Perception to Action in the Musical Brain."
Dr. Psyche Loui, Department of Neuorology, Beth Israel Deaconess  
Medical Center
BU:  Room 203, 44 Cummington Street, Boston


Friday, September 30, 2011
Energy Discussions: The Climate Science We Need
Speaker: Dan Chavas, Marty Singh, Tim Cronin
Time: 12:00p–1:00p
Location: TBA
What areas of policy-relevant climate research are strongest? Where  
are areas for potential advances in climate research in the medium- 
term? What are areas where the science is strong, but the policy ideas  
have not yet incorporated? And what are the kind of questions that  
climate science just can't answer in the near future? We need to  
understand these kinds of questions to craft effective climate and  
energy policy.

Join members of the MIT Energy Club and the Department of Earth,  
Atmospheric, and Planetary Science for a round-table on these  
questions and their implications.

You can prepare for this discussion by attending the MIT Energy Club  
Climate Science 101 lecture on Wednesday, 28 Sept.

A light lunch will be served.

Web site: http://www.mitenergyclub.org/events-and-programs/discussion-series
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Dell


Friday, September 30, 2011

10th Annual International Development Fair

Time: 1:00p–3:00p

Location: MIT, Building 32, Student Street, Stata Center

Interested in International Development? Want to get involved? Have an  
idea but not sure how to get support for it? Come to the 10th annual  
International Development Fair to meet the many departments, labs,  
centers and student groups supporting on and around MIT's campus.

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/idi/get_involved.htm
Sponsor(s): International Development Initiative, Technology and  
Culture Forum

For more information, contact:
Laura Sampath
lsampath at mit.edu


Friday, September 30, 2011

"Contested Fields: Agriculture and Environmental Conflicts through the  
Lens of 'Place'"

Speaker: Chris Henke, Associate Professor of Sociology, Colgate  

Time: 4:00p–6:00p

Location: MIT, Building E51-095

This event is part of the Workshop for the History of the Environment,  
Agriculture, Technology and Science (WHEATS) Conference

In a world of increasingly global connections, agriculture is both  
part of these widespread networks but also still rooted to the  
specific "places"where crops are produced. This literal grounding of  
agriculture makes it a potential site for conflict over the  
environmental impacts of farming, serving as a place for diverse  
interests to contest the practices and technologies used in specific  
locations. The example of agricultural biotechnology makes a useful  
case to explore the place-based conflicts over agriculture in the  
early twenty-first century.

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free

Sponsor(s): History Office, STS, SHASS Dean's Office, Anthropology

For more information, contact:
Rebecca Woods, Margo Collett
rjwoods at mit.edu, mcollett at mit.edu


HEET is organizing a workshop on reducing energy bills in larger  
buildings on Oct. 1st. It's being run by Marc Rosenbaum, an award- 
winning building systems analyst, and sponsored by Mass. Interfaith  
Power and Light.  People-in-the-know murmur Rosenbaum's name with  
awe.  Paul Eldrenkamp of Byggmeister fame will moderate.

The workshop will take place in the First Church in Cambridge, a large  
historical building being used in a wide variety of ways such as a  
homeless shelter, childcare center and office space.

During the workshop we will be guided through the church to examine  
its problems, then in small groups design a longterm plan going  
forward to reduce the church's energy use.  Rosenbaum will comment on  
each of the plans to help us learn.

We're assembling a star-studded cast of guides to teach folks about  
how the building systems work and what can help.

We will also have a NSTAR representative explain available rebates,  
and the president of New Generation Energy talk about a great new  
financing mechanism for raising money through a community for energy  

We want to leave people with the practical knowledge about buildings  
and financing to reduce their building's energy use.

The workshop itself is on Sat. Oct 1st from 9 am to 5 pm.  Lunch will  
be provided and the cost is only $75.  Normally Rosenbaum's classes  
cost 3 times that.

Here's more info https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OVgK56hrB7m2roHQ2KW9cUysRnbMzJNi5e1HCf_rueI/edit?hl=en_US 
, and the sign up formhttps://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ 

Please post the info wherever you can or mention it to all who might  
be interested.  I think it will be a very helpful workshop.

We only have room for 100 attendees, so people might want to sign up  


Saturday, October 1, 2011 9am to 5pm Suffolk University, Boston
Register Online Now!

Keynote speaker

2011 from Egypt to Libya: Triumph and Turmoil in the Arab world
The Conference
Fall 2011 marks ten years since 9/11, the War on Terror, the  
Afghanistan War, and the founding of UJP.  The US/NATO bombing of  
Libya is the latest in the
series of wars.  Domestically, greed is rampant and serious problems  
are getting worse.  Few peace and justice activists can remember a  
more troubling time.

How did we get here and how can we change things?

What can we learn from the historic events in Egypt, where the people  
triumphed against huge odds, and the workers of Wisconsin?

How can the peace movement continue its work to end the wars and cut  
the military budget while also building cooperation with the economic  
and racial
justice movements?

We want a peaceful foreign policy based on democracy to focus on the  
pressing economic and human problems that must be solved.
Featuring Presentations by:
Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Report from Afghanistan and Iraq

Ann Wright, former U.S. Army Colonel
Report on the Gaza Flotilla and Palestine

Michael McPhearson, National Coordinator, United for Peace and Justice
Connecting to the War at Home

Will Hopkins
Iraq Veterans Against the War and New Hampshire Peace Action
The crisis and youth today

Max Elbaum, War Times/Tiempo de Guerras
Fighting for Peace Against an Empire in Decline

Patricia Montes, Centro Presente
How the wars affect immigrant rights at home

Registration Fee: $15, includes morning coffee and pastry.  Free for  
Suffolk University students and faculty with ID. ?No one turned away.
Register online at http://justicewithpeace.org/ten-years-after-registration

Lunch: $10 - pizza, salad and drink, served in Donahua Building  
Directions: Take the T to Park Street or Government Center.
Suffolk University, Donahue Building, 41 Temple St.
Do not confuse Temple Street with Temple Place.

Registration opens at 9am at the Donahue Building, 41 Temple St.
Sessions will be held in Donahue and in the C.  Walsh Theatre next door.


Green Homes Open House
October 1, 10am - 4pm

Get ready to be inspired as you view clean, renewable energy at work  
first-hand on Saturday, October 1! The Northeast Sustainable Energy  
Association (NESEA) invites you to visit sustainable, green homes and  
buildings throughout New England, including right here in Boston. Last  
year more than 10,000 people participated in close to 500 tours. See  
how your neighbors are reducing their carbon footprint and cutting  
their energy bills through the power of the sun, wind, smart building  
design, and energy efficient appliances and technologies.
Boston sites include:
12 St John, JP (10 am-2 pm)
16 Stearns St. Cambridge (11 am-4 pm)
133 Bourne, JP (12 pm-5 pm)
61 Hampstead #2, JP
18 Beethoven, Roxbury (10 am-2 pm)
100 Terrace, Roxbury (10 am-2 pm)
To learn more about these and other Green Buildings Open House sites  
near you, visit http://www.nesea.org/greenbuildings.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

2011 Ig Informal Lectures at MIT

Speaker: The 2011 Ig Nobel Prize Winners

Time: 1:00p–3:00p

Location: MIT, Building 26-100

A half-afternoon of improbably funny, informative, brief (5 minutes  
each, plus a few questions & answers with the audience), high-spirited  
public lectures, in which the new Ig Nobel Prize winners will attempt  
to explain what they did, and why they did it.

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/bookstore/www/events/index.html#ig

Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): The MIT Press Bookstore
For more information, contact:
The MIT Press Bookstore
books at mit.edu



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Climate Change 2011:  When Policymakers Fail
Bartos Theater
MIT campus, 20 Ames Street Building E15, Atrium level, Cambridge,  
Massachusetts 02139

Some of America’s top scientists discuss their frustration with the  
lack of progress on the pressing problem of climate change, and talk  
about their ideas for what scientists and citizens can do while  
policymakers fail to act.
What does the latest research show on both the climate and the  
attitude of Americans?
This event is free to attend, but registration is required. Please e- 
mail knight-info at mit.edu for details and registration information.


Collaboration Paradox with John Abele, Founder of Boston Scientific
We often claim to work collaboratively—but do our collaborative  
initiatives realize their potential and drive innovation?
OCTOBER 5, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Boston Scientific Founder John Abele—drawing from his 30+ years  
experience at the intersection of science and industry—will discuss  
what it takes to facilitate successful collaborations and why the most  
productive collaborations often arise unexpectedly. Citing Whitehead  
Institute’s Founder Jack Whitehead as an example, Abele will discuss  
the key ingredients for accelerating the development of new  
technologies and ideas through collaborative behavior, including  
leadership, community building and harnessing the “wisdom of crowds.”



The Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future public hearing

October 12, 2011
Harvard Medical School Conference Center, 77 Louis Pasteur, Longwood,   
Boston, MA

BRC Draft Report to the Secretary of Energy  http://www.brc.gov

The Blue Ribbon Commission On America’s Nuclear Future is a  
Presidentially-mandated group composed of 16 people to make  
recommendations for national radioactive waste policy. The record of  
the work the Commission has done over the last year--available on-line  
in video form, transcript, written testimony, and public comments all  
posted at http://www.brc.gov

These additional meetings in September and October are to collect  
public comments on the Commission's draft recommendations. The full  
draft report is available here: http://www.brc.gov/index.php?q=announcement/brc-releases-their-draft-full-commission-report

The Commission website states: All public are welcome to attend. Pre- 
registration is strongly encouraged but not required.  Information  
about registration will be available in the near future. The meetings  
will not be video webcast. Transcripts of the meetings will be  
available on the website, along with all written comments anyone  
chooses to offer. Comments can either be made directly to the website  
at  www.brc.gov or by email to:CommissionDFO at nuclear.energy.govand via  
US postal mail:

Mr. Timothy A. Frazier
Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585

Comment deadline is October 31, 2011. NIRS will share a more complete  
set of comments for sign-on in October.


Zero Net Energy Housing Workshop
Thursday, October 13
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
33 Andrews Parkway
Devens, MA

A review of building techniques for high energy-efficient homes that  
produce as much energy as they consume. Enjoy a tour of Zero Net  
Energy homes already under construction in Devens and engage in a  
question and answer period with Carter Scott, one of the state's pre- 
eminent sustainable developers.

There is no cost to attend but space is limited. To register, contact scorbeil at massdevelopment.com

Editorial Comment:  Carter Scott does great work and is well worth  


Hands-on work to weatherize a great organization!
Save the date: Oct 15th
BostonCAN is partnering with HEET again to organize a "barnraising."  
We won't be raising any barns at this neighborhood weatherization work  
day, but we will be helping a Jamaica Plain community anchor,  
Spontaneous Celebrations, to lighten its ecological footprint and save  
much needed funds for its wonderful programming, such as the Lantern  
Festival and Wake Up the Earth.

Barnraisings are great opportunities to get hands-on experience making  
old windows more weather-tight, air sealing in a basement, and weather- 
stripping doors. Both skilled and untrained volunteers are needed.

Contact Information
Boston Climate Action Network


TEDxCambridge Presents: Thrive
November 19, 2011, Harvard University
You have to apply to attend at http://www.tedxcambridge.com/thrive/




AC Swap – The Cambridge Energy Alliance’s window air conditioner swap  
program is in progress.  Residents can obtain a voucher for $125 if  
they swap an inefficient window AC unit for an Energy Star rated  
model  This is a limited time offer.  Go to the CEA website for  
participation details:http://cambridgeenergyalliance.org/resources/a-c-swap


Free Solar Panels for Houses of Worship

 From a recent Mass Interfaith Power & Light (http://mipandl.org/) email
"We've recently been talking with DCS Energy (http:// 
www.dcsenergy.com/) who has an unbeatable offer: if your site  
qualifies, they design and install the panels at no cost, don't charge  
you for any electricity, and donate the system to your house of  
worship after five years. Your only costs will be for a building  
permit, possibly a structural engineer to verify that your roof can  
support their weight, and any preparatory work such as roof work or  
tree removal. If solar panels are so expensive how can anyone give  
them away for free? First, there is a federal grant program that is  
only available until November that pays for 30% of the cost of the  
system. Then there is an accelerated depreciation option that gives  
certain kinds of investors another tax advantage. Finally, the state  
awards a special allowance called a "Solar Renewal Energy  
Credit" (SRECs) to owners of solar electricity systems which are sold  
at auctions to utilities who buy them to meet their requirements under  
the Massachusetts' renewable portfolio standard. DCS is betting that  
the price of these SRECs will remain high.  Jim Nail, president of MA  
IP&L, has talked to DCS Energy and is currently having them prepare a  
proposal for his church, St. Dunstan's Episcopal in Dover.  Jim says,  
"The references I've talked to have been quite positive about the  
program and the company has been very responsive.  "If you think your  
site might qualify, contact Peter Carli, pete at dcsenergy.com, with the  
address of your house of worship and your contact information. He'll  
take a preliminary look at your site and advise you if it meets their  


Young World Inventors Success!

Young World Inventors (http://yinventors.wordpress.com/) finished  
their Kickstarter campaign (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1036325713/youngworldinventorscom 
) to fund insider web stories of African and American innovators in  
collaboration successfully.

New contributions, however, will be accepted.


What you need to know: The Staples Youth Social Entrepreneur (YSE)  
Competition is a global competition created by Staples Foundation and  
Ashoka to recognize exceptional young people using innovation and  
technology to advance social change and improve their community and  
the world.

Who’s eligible?: Young people (age 12-24), living anywhere in the  
world, are eligible to apply.

Dates and details: Apply online between June 22 and September 19, 2011.

For more information:  http://ashokayouthcompetition.org/
Laura Sampath
MIT International Development Initiative
77 Mass Ave, 10-110
Cambridge MA 02139

Sign up for the 2011 Yunus Challenge Facebook page: yunus2011 at groups.facebook.com




Massachusetts Attitudes About Climate Change – An opinion survey of  
Massachusetts residents conducted by MassINC and sponsored by the Barr  
Foundation found that 77% of respondents believe that global warming  
has “probably been happening” and 59% of all respondents see see it as  
being at least partially caused by human pollution.  Only 42% of the  
state’s residents say global warming will have very serious  
consequences for Massachusetts if left unaddressed. The 18 to 29 age  
group is more likely to believe global warming is appearing and caused  
by humans compared to the 60+ age group.  African-American (56%) and  
Latino residents (69%) are more likely than white residents (40%) to  
believe global warming will be a very serious problem if left  
unaddressed.  The MassINC report, titled The 80 Percent Challenge:   
What Massachusetts must do to meet targets and make headway on climate  
change (http://www.massinc.org/Research/The-80-percent- 
challenge.aspx), contains many other findings.


The presentations from the recent Affordable Comfort National Home  
Performance Conference are available online at

Lots of good information from what some call the best energy  
conference in the USA on Deep Energy Retrofits to Community Energy  
Challenges with details on insulation, heat flow, energy metering,  
ducting, hot water, and many, many other topics.  If you are a  
practical energy wonk, this should make your eyes light up.


Free Monthly Energy Analysis

CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track  
your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while  
controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly  
email that lets you know how you’re doing in your work to save energy.



Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post  
announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships,  
programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles  
or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's  
food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take  
place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food  
system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food,  
farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health,  
environment, arts, social services and other arenas.   Hundreds of  
organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on  
week-to-week is not always well publicized.

Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let  
everyone know about these activities.  Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of  
subscribers.  Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and  
other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at https://elist.tufts.edu/wws/subscribe/bfs


Artisan Asylum  http://artisansasylum.com/

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations  http://thesprouts.org/studios

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project  http://www.transformationcentral.org/solidarity/mapping/mapping.html
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation,  
contact jmatthaei at wellesley.edu


Bostonsmart.com's Guide to Boston  http://www.bostonsmarts.com/BostonGuide/


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents   http://hubevents.blogspot.com

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the
Boston Area  http://fhapgood.fastmail.fm/site02.html

Boston Area Computer User Groups  http://www.bugc.org/










More information about the Act-MA mailing list