[act-ma] Program, Sunday, November 6, at 10:30AM, Harvard Square, Title: "DEAR BULLY", presented by the Ethical Society of Boston

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Wed Nov 2 17:02:49 PDT 2011

>From John Lampert:

The Ethical Society of Boston will be presenting a very interesting, informative program, Sunday, November 6

                                                DEAR BULLY

Megan Kelley Hall, co-editor, Dear Bully.  Ms. Hall will present information about the compiling of the book  "Dear Bully", in which she worked with a wide variety of writers of young adult fiction to present their personal stories of being bullied.  In addition to the book, a companion website and a blog now connects more writers and readers to explore this important topic. 

Program will be held, Spiegel Auditorium, 56 Brattle St., Cambridge (Haravard Square) at 10:30AM.  The public is welcome, program is free.  Refreshments, music, and discussion will be held following the presentation.  For further information please call 617-739-9050 or visit BostonEthical.Org
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