[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events
George Mokray
gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Jan 8 19:01:39 PST 2012
Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most
Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston
area that catch the editor's eye.
Hubevents http://hubevents.blogspot.com is the web version.
If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events
email gmoke at world.std.com
What Facebook Knows About You http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/13/1045070/-What-Facebook-Knows-About-You
Occupy Detroit Occupies an Abandoned Neighborhood http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/16/1046263/-Occupy-Detroit-Occupies-an-Abandoned-Neighborhood
Anthropocene: Past, Present, and Futures http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/27/1049324/-Anthropocene:-Past,-Present,-and-Futures
Three Hours with Chris Hedges http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/01/01/1050667/-Three-Hours-with-Chris-Hedges
Fusion Energy 101
Mon Jan 9
MIT, Building NW17-218, 175 Albany Street, Cambridge
Jeffrey Freidberg
A presentation of the basic principles of magnetic fusion research,
including the role fusion might play in the world's energy supply, and
the surprisingly difficult scientific and engineering problems that
must be overcome. The talk will conclude with a status report of the
world’s current fusion research program, and how fusion might likely
compete economically once the technical problems are solved.
Web: http://www.psfc.mit.edu/
Contact: Paul Rivenberg, NW16-284, x3-8101, rivenberg at psfc.mit.edu
Sponsor: Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Mon Jan 9
12-1:00 pm
MIT, Building 54-915
Atmospheric Field Studies: Atmospheric chemistry field experiments
from UAVs to stratospheric aircraft
Mark Zondlo Princetown University
Contact: Vicki McKenna, 54-911B, x3-3380, vsm at mit.edu
Sponsor: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Poor Economics
Mon Jan 9
MIT, Building E51-315, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge
Abhijit Banerjee
Contact: Linda Woodbury, E52-251, x3-8885, lwoodbur at mit.edu
Sponsor: Economics
Sprouts/Microgreens class at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education
Monday, January 9
6-9 pm
It will cover jar method of sprouting, tray methods of microgreens and
flax/chia, and show some simple raw food recipes.
To register: contact CCAE at 617-547-6789 or via the web.
The GovData Project Winter Course
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
1:00 PM
MIT Media Lab (new building), 75 Amherst St, Cambridge
Want to:
Help make US Government data open and transparent?
Learn how to organize and visualize massive datasets over the web?
Develop your Python, MongoDB, Solr, GeoDjango, Javascript, and HTML5
Join a team a high-impact open-source coding project?
Join us for the MIT-Harvard GovData Project Winter Course!
Open to the general data hacker community around Boston
RSVP at http://meetupbos.hackshackers.com/events/16288633/
Understanding Home Energy Training Credentials
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
Webinar, register at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/759525174
Following up on ACI’s successful Home Energy Trainer Conference
recently held in Charlotte, NC, this webinar continues the dialogue
about industry certifications and accreditation. IREC/ISPQ
credentialing has provided a tremendous framework for the expansion of
high quality renewable energy and energy efficiency/weatherization
training. Through its partnership with the U.S. Dept of Energy and the
recent development of National Worker Certifications, IREC/ISPQ
credentialing has established a critical avenue for validating the
quality of your training organization or you as an individual trainer.
BPI’s nationwide certification program is also important to home
energy trainers, especially as it moves toward accreditation by ANSI
for its personnel certifications under ISO 17024. It’s more important
than ever to understand the different roles that IREC and BPI play in
the training landscape. Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with
key people from these organizations.
By attending this webinar, participants will:
Understand how home energy training credentials are critical to
growing the workforce
Become familiar with the process and requirements of becoming
accredited by IREC
Learn how the expansion of BPI’s nationwide certification program, and
meeting the ISO 17024 standard, will affect industry trainers and
This webinar qualifies for 1.5 BPI CEUs
Responsive News
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
7:00 PM
Boston Globe, 135 Morrissey Blvd., Dorchester, MA
RSVP at http://meetupbos.hackshackers.com/events/42935572/?a=me1.1p_grp&eventId=42935572
Responsive design is changing the way stories are told. Complicated
data visualizations, which used to be planned for the desktop, now
need to be planned so they can work for mobile, tablets, and desktops.
Different devices mean different looks for visualizations, which
changes how the data is consumed.
Three ingredients make up responsive web design: flexible grid-based
layout, flexible images and media, and media queries. But these three
elements are just focused on layout, not content management and story-
telling within a responsive design. We’ll show some of the code (what
makes the grid flexible, the images responsive, media queries, etc) as
well as talk about what we've learned so far, in terms of :
Content/editorial best practices, editorial flexibility and guardrails
Datavis, interactive graphics, multimedia presentations
Miranda Mulligan is the digital design director for The Boston Globe.
She is a designer and educator with over ten years of professional
experience in print and web design, photography and information
graphics reporting. She has also worked for The Virginian-Pilot,
interned with The Sun-Sentinel and The Philadelphia Inquirer and
volunteered for Online News Association, Virginia Press Association,
the National Press Photographers Association and the Society for News
Mat ‘Wilto’ Marquis is a freelance designer and developer based out of
Somerville, currently contracted full-time by Filament Group Inc., a
Boston-based design studio. Mat specializes in building accessible,
responsive websites that adapt to the many contexts in which people
use the web. Mat is a contributor to jQuery Mobile project, active
member of the open source community, and enjoys a complicated
relationship with the now-defunct HTML5 “dialog” tag.’
Center for Nanoscale Systems at Harvard Conference: "Synergy Between
Experiment and Computation in Energy – Looking to 2030"
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Thursday, January 12, 2012 - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday, January 13, 2012 - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Contact Name: Michael Stopa, stopa at lsdiv.harvard.edu, 617-496-6932
Maxwell Dworkin G115, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge
Yu Morimoto (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
Mark Mathias (General Motors R & D)
Peter N. Pintauro (Vanderbilt)
Thomas Zawodzinski (UT-Knoxville, ORNL)
Sergio Granados-Focil (Clark)
Daniel G. Nocera (MIT)
Matthew Kanan (Stanford)
Bart Bartlett (Michigan)
Mircea Dinca (MIT)
Ted Betley (Harvard)
Bradley Olsen (MIT ChemE)
Juan Jose de Pablo (Wisconsin)
Alfredo Alexander-Katz (MIT)
Alan Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard)
Tim Kaxiras (Harvard)
Oral and poster presentations now being accepted: send abstracts to stopa at cns.fas.harvard.edu
Registration is free but limited to 100. (entry without registration
will not be allowed). ONLINE REGISTRATION is open at: http://www.cns.fas.harvard.edu/
Synopsis – Society’s ceaseless demand for clean, renewable energy
resources, as populations grow and as poorer nations undergo increased
industrialization, will remain one of the prime motivating forces of
research for the foreseeable future. Much of this research relies on
both experimental and computational studies, and the synergy between
them. In addition, many of the current studies focus on physical
effects at the nanoscale or at multiple length scales including the
The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network Computation Project
(NNIN/C), as part of its continuing mission to provide frequent forums
on rapidly developing areas of nanoscale computation, will hold a
conference on energy research, experiment and computation. The
conference will be based around the four focus topics: fuel cells,
catalysis, self-assembly and organic photovoltaics.
Leveraging the Internet and Social Media for Marketing
Wed Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1
MIT, Building 3-370, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Keith Griffis SimpleMediaMarketing.com, Maggie Sullivan
Social Media, Mobile Technology, and the web have changed how we
interact, consume content, and interact with companies. How can
businesses, startups or individuals leverage these new technologies
and their effect on consumers to drive business goals? In this series
we will examine how to create Epic Content, use social media channels,
and mobile technology to drive customer action and build your brand.
Contact: Maggie Sullivan, sullmag at mit.edu
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
The revolution will be well-informed: Creating the A- Z Library at
Occupy Boston
Thu Jan 12
MIT, Building 4-145, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Heather McCann
Shortly after the Occupy Boston encampment was founded, a group of
intrepid librarians and an activist bookstore owner came to Dewey
Square independently with the idea of creating a library. They quickly
joined forces, and the Audre Lorde-Howard Zinn (A-Z) library was born.
This talk will describe how a fully-functioning library was created
from scratch within a few days and how it continues to live on despite
the eviction from Dewey Square.
Contact: Heather McCann, 7-238, x3-7098, hmccann at mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
BASEA Forum: Weather in a Changing Climate
Thursday, January 12
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m
First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist; 3 Church Street,
Harvard Square
We have all heard a lot about climate change: rising sea levels,
melting ice at the poles. But, climate is a long-term average. What
happens on a day-to-day or seasonal basis is the weather: the rain,
sun, wind, or lack of those, that we depend upon for food, for
agriculture, for water, for the essentials of living a predictable life.
What creates our weather? Why is there a jet stream, and what
determines its behavior? How might the circulation patterns that we
have built our world upon be affected by changing temperatures at the
boundaries of these patterns?
We have just lived through a year of "weird weather", with a record
dozen plus disasters causing over $52 billion in damages, and more
than 2,000 deaths -- and this is just in the U.S.. The Globe and
other media have written that weather is just "unpredictable", a
period of "bad luck", an exaggerated El Nino: are they right? Is the
weather unpredictable? Or, is it a pattern that we all need to better
understand and appreciate?
Clearly, it is time to become more aware of the consequences of the
changes that we are making in our atmosphere and oceans, and to start
with a better understanding of how our weather is created.
We are delighted to have Martin Singh, from EAPS at MIT to help us
gain this understanding and answer some of these questions. Climate
change is one thing; perhaps climate changing -- and the consequences
-- is the real danger.
Martin Singh is a graduate student in the Program in Atmospheres,
Oceans and Climate in theDepartment of Earth, Atmospheric, and
Planetary Sciences at MIT, in the Paul O'Gorman group.
His research focuses on the general circulation of the atmosphere and
the large-scale processes that maintain it, specifically in how the
atmospheric circulation changes in different climates, and whether we
can construct simple conceptual models for these changes. Currently
his work is concerned with understanding the upward shift in
circulation features that is seen in many models of contemporary
climate change.
Mr. Singh completed his undergraduate studies at Monash University in
Melbourne, Australia, in atmospheric science and mathematics. His
honours research was an investigation of the behaviour of convection
in a single column climate model, under the supervision of Christian
Quantum Money from Knots
Friday, January 13, 2012
MIT, Building 6-120, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Edward Farhi
Money, either in the form of bills or information on a computer,
should be impossible to copy and also verifiable as good money when
tendered to a merchant. Quantum mechanics may make this possible to
achieve with far greater security than can be achieved without quantum
mechanics. I will discuss Quantum Money generally and present our
scheme which uses ideas from Knot Theory. Quantum Money may be the
basis of E-commerce on a future quantum internet and would not require
communication with a central server such as a credit card company or
Web site: http://student.mit.edu/iap/ns8.html
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Physics IAP, Physics Department
For more information, contact:
Denise Wahkor
617-253-4855, denisew at mit.edu
Ignite Craft Boston 2: Craft, Community, and 5 Minute Presentations
Friday, January 13th
6:30pm to 9:30pm (doors open at 6:30 and presentations begin at 7:00pm)
32 Vassar Street, room 123, Cambridge, MA 02140
The event is free; however, due to limited space at the venue you must
RSVP at http://ignitecraftboston2-esearch.eventbrite.com/?srnk=17
Ignite Craft Boston 2 is an Ignite event with a crafty crowd. If you
had five minutes on stage to talk about your crafty passion in Boston,
what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated
automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world folks have been
putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.
What is MassChallenge? When can I apply?
January 17, 2012
12pm - 1pm
Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, 14th Floor, Cambridge, MA
Please join us for an information session and lunch at Cambridge
Innovation Center
Pizza and drinks on us
RSVP at http://mcinfosessioncic117-esearch.eventbrite.com/?srnk=18
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?
events at masschallenge.org
Challenges facing renewable energy technologies in 2012: A panel-led
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
6:00 PM
CIC - (Cambridge Innovation Center) - 5th floor - Havana Conference
Room, 1 Broadway, Cambridge
Initial details to hold the date while we wait for final confirmation
from panelists /speakers. This will be a lively group and panel
discussion of the challenges facing renewable energies in 2012 - more
details to follow as we get confirmations.
RSVP http://www.meetup.com/H2O-Boston-Water-and-Energy-Technology-Meetup/events/43917192/
Coping with climate change today: Insights from the past
Thursday, January 19, 2012, 7-8:45 pm
Cambridge Main Public Library, Community Room
By any measure, climate change is unprecedented. “The earth that we
knew – the only earth that we ever knew – is gone.” (Bill McKibben,
Eaarth, p. 27)
But the crisis of climate change, the human crisis, is an old one with
many precedents that we can learn from as we confront climate change
in our own lives.
If you are aware that climate change is real and is a looming threat
to our way of life, the conditions that made human civilization
possible, and possibly to human survival then you are confronted with
the choice that defines the crisis:
Should I accept climate change as inevitable, and pursue my own
happiness and profit as things fall apart, or should I join with
others and fight it, even though we must live with the certainty that
we can’t stop it? World War II confronted the French people with more
immediate threats and similar choices. Shortly after the war, in 1947,
Albert Camus, a Frenchman who had fought in the resistance, wrote a
novel about life during the war and reached back to an earlier century
for a precedent to the shock of the Nazi occupation of France. He
found it in an outbreak of The Plague, which he set in a modern city
in North Africa.
We have little living memory of the war that Camus had just
experienced, yet his precise account of the timeless human condition
in crises of the past can help us understand how to respond to today’s
Free Solar Panels for Houses of Worship
From a recent Mass Interfaith Power & Light (http://mipandl.org/) email
"We've recently been talking with DCS Energy (http://
www.dcsenergy.com/) who has an unbeatable offer: if your site
qualifies, they design and install the panels at no cost, don't charge
you for any electricity, and donate the system to your house of
worship after five years. Your only costs will be for a building
permit, possibly a structural engineer to verify that your roof can
support their weight, and any preparatory work such as roof work or
tree removal. If solar panels are so expensive how can anyone give
them away for free? First, there is a federal grant program that is
only available until November that pays for 30% of the cost of the
system. Then there is an accelerated depreciation option that gives
certain kinds of investors another tax advantage. Finally, the state
awards a special allowance called a "Solar Renewal Energy
Credit" (SRECs) to owners of solar electricity systems which are sold
at auctions to utilities who buy them to meet their requirements under
the Massachusetts' renewable portfolio standard. DCS is betting that
the price of these SRECs will remain high. Jim Nail, president of MA
IP&L, has talked to DCS Energy and is currently having them prepare a
proposal for his church, St. Dunstan's Episcopal in Dover. Jim says,
"The references I've talked to have been quite positive about the
program and the company has been very responsive. "If you think your
site might qualify, contact Peter Carli, pete at dcsenergy.com, with the
address of your house of worship and your contact information. He'll
take a preliminary look at your site and advise you if it meets their
Young World Inventors Success!
Young World Inventors (http://yinventors.wordpress.com/) finished
their Kickstarter campaign (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1036325713/youngworldinventorscom
) to fund insider web stories of African and American innovators in
collaboration successfully.
New contributions, however, will be accepted.
Massachusetts Attitudes About Climate Change – An opinion survey of
Massachusetts residents conducted by MassINC and sponsored by the Barr
Foundation found that 77% of respondents believe that global warming
has “probably been happening” and 59% of all respondents see see it as
being at least partially caused by human pollution. Only 42% of the
state’s residents say global warming will have very serious
consequences for Massachusetts if left unaddressed. The 18 to 29 age
group is more likely to believe global warming is appearing and caused
by humans compared to the 60+ age group. African-American (56%) and
Latino residents (69%) are more likely than white residents (40%) to
believe global warming will be a very serious problem if left
unaddressed. The MassINC report, titled The 80 Percent Challenge:
What Massachusetts must do to meet targets and make headway on climate
change (http://www.massinc.org/Research/The-80-percent-
challenge.aspx), contains many other findings.
The presentations from the recent Affordable Comfort National Home
Performance Conference are available online at
Lots of good information from what some call the best energy
conference in the USA on Deep Energy Retrofits to Community Energy
Challenges with details on insulation, heat flow, energy metering,
ducting, hot water, and many, many other topics. If you are a
practical energy wonk, this should make your eyes light up.
Free Monthly Energy Analysis
CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track
your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while
controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly
email that lets you know how you’re doing in your work to save energy.
Boston Food System
"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post
announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships,
programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles
or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's
food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take
place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."
The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food
system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food,
farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health,
environment, arts, social services and other arenas. Hundreds of
organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on
week-to-week is not always well publicized.
Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let
everyone know about these activities. Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of
subscribers. Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and
other posting guidelines will be provided as well.
It's easy to subscribe right now at https://elist.tufts.edu/wws/subscribe/bfs
Artisan Asylum http://artisansasylum.com/
Sprout & Co: Community Driven Investigations http://thesprouts.org/studios
Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project http://www.transformationcentral.org/solidarity/mapping/mapping.html
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation,
contact jmatthaei at wellesley.edu
Bostonsmart.com's Guide to Boston http://www.bostonsmarts.com/BostonGuide/
Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents http://hubevents.blogspot.com
Thanks to
Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the
Boston Area http://www.BostonScienceLectures.com
Boston Area Computer User Groups http://www.bugc.org/
Arts and Cultural Events List http://aacel.blogspot.com/
More information about the Act-MA
mailing list