[act-ma] Thursday 10/17: "The Ghosts of JeJu" - Free UPandOUT film screening

pf soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Mon Oct 7 10:53:56 PDT 2013

  *Special for OCT: we are honored to have film director **_Regis
  Tremblay_* on hand for Q&A!!

*see notes and Regis's comments at bottom of email; your help is needed


Ghosts of JeJu**

Showing Thursday, October 17, in Cambridge
[please download & distribute flyer 

Set in the context of the American presence in Korea since 1945, the 
film reveals unimaginable atrocities committed at the hands of the U.S. 
Military Government in Korea immediately after WWII. It is not a history 
of '/the Forgotten War/,' but for the first time reveals the struggle of 
the people of Jeju Island, S. Korea to resist US occupation.

The film places the modern-day protest by the peaceful people of Jeju 
Island, S. Korea against the construction of a massive US naval base in 
the tiny village of Gangjeong in the context of the massacre of as many 
as 80,000 of their fellow citizens only 60 years ago.

Using previously secret and classified photos, film and documents, this 
is the first English-language documentary about the struggle of the 
brave people of Gangjeong Village who are opposing the military advance 
of the United States, just as their parents and relatives did in 1947. 
As then, they are being arrested, jailed, fined, and hospitalized for 
resisting the construction of a massive naval base that will accommodate 
America's 'pivot to Asia,'? and will destroy their 400 year old village 
and their UNESCO protected environment.

And yet, the indomitable spirit of the villagers and their supporters, 
who have not lost hope in spite of overwhelming odds, will inspire and 
motivate everyone who believes there is a better way to live together on 
this planet.

"/the least we can do is to amplify their voices, for with citizenship 
in America and the world, comes responsibility./" ~Regis Tremblay, director

The people of Gangjeong are not alone in this struggle opposing the U.S. 
military expansion. All of the islands of the Pacific from Hawaii to 
Okinawa, to Guam, The Philippines and all the way down to Australia are 
rising up against American imperialism as the U.S. uses fear and power 
to coerce their leaders to either build or open up their ports and bases 
to the American military.

"/We don't want a war base on the Island of Peace/."
~ savejejunow.org

"/It's not easy being a flag-waving American nationalist. In addition to 
having to deal with the usual disillusion, anger, and scorn from around 
the world incited by Washington's endless bombings and endless wars, the 
nationalist is assaulted by whistle blowers like Bradley Manning and 
Edward Snowden, who have disclosed a steady stream of human-rights and 
civil-liberties scandals, atrocities, embarrassing lies, and 
embarrassing truths./"
~ William Blum

"/The double standards imposed on North Korea remain ever apparent, as 
the international community remains silent as [US backed] South Korea 
expands its arsenal of advanced military technology in an effort to 
become the world's seventh largest arms exporter/"
~ Nile Bowie

doors open 6:40; film starts promptly 7pm
243 Broadway, Cambridge - corner of Broadway and Windsor,
entrance on Windsor
rule19.org/videos <http://rule19.org/videos>

Please join us for a stimulating night out; bring your friends!
free film & free door prizes
[donations are encouraged]
feel free to bring your own snacks and soft drinks - no alcohol allowed

"You can't legislate good will - that comes through education." ~ Malcolm X

*UPandOUT film series* - see rule19.org/videos <http://rule19.org/videos>

Why should YOU care? It's YOUR money that pays for US/Israeli wars - on 
Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, Libya. Syria, Iran, So America, etc 
etc - for billionaire bailouts, for ever more ubiquitous US prisons, for 
the loss of liberty and civil rights...



Regis begins a Boston tour, beginning Oct 17th, here at UPandOUT in 
Cambridge. We have arranged for him to stay overnight and do screenings 
the following day - Friday, Oct 18 th - at BU and BC.

Please consider a donation to help us cover Regis' accommodations and 
travel expenses. Whatever help you can provide will be greatly 
appreciated.  Regis' work is a labor of love, done on a shoestring 
budget, as is mine and that of other dedicated activists i know.

To help out, you can send a check to:  pf soto, 243 Broadway, Cambridge, 
MA  02139
or donate  online - via paypal or cc. THANK YOU!! 

  Regis Tremblay, in an introductory note to BC :

    /"I must say that the //short trailer
    <http://www.theghostsofjeju.net/>//does not do justice to the 80 min
    feature which includes interviews with Prof. Bruce Cumings, Charles
    Hanley (The Bridge at No Gun Ri) several survivors of the 4/3
    massacre, as well as activists in Gangjeong Village./
    /Many people contributed financially to send me to Jeju exactly a
    year ago when I spent the entire month there. While the mainstream
    industry has ignored the film, activists around the world and across
    the country have acclaimed it as an important contribution to the
    peace movement. To date, it has been screened in more than a dozen
    countries from Sweden, down through the Pacific to Australia,
    including Russia and China./
    /Next month I will begin screening it on a West Coast tour that will
    take me from Berkeley, up to Oregon and Seattle, and then over to
    Minneapolis. Following that, I will be presenting it in Washington,
    D.C., Charlottesville, VA, Chicago, and Florida./
    /Perhaps you have heard about Oliver Stone's recent trip to Jeju
    where he was very outspoken against the construction of the base
    there, and promised the people of Gangjeong and Jeju that he would
    do all he could to tell the world of their struggle. Oliver agreed
    to do a promo for the film which you will see in the trailer, and he
    agreed to be in the film as well.
    /I offer copies of the DVD for a donation of $20."/


"/It was a smashing hit....people were crying and they were clapping at 
the end.....I handed out the DVD's strategically to key leaders in 
various Swedish cities, and from Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, 
Japan and Mexico.....people passed the hat to send money to the village 
but I insisted they keep the money towards sending a representative from 
Sweden to the village ASAP......they loved the music, the story, and the 
resistance.....many people sent congrats to you....it's was a European 
opening night showing......5 stars. Add Russia to list of places I sent 
DVD home with....a man who works directly for Putin/."

/*- Bruce Gagnon, */**coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons/*

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