[act-ma] Fwd: vigil for our bald eagle tomorrow in Arlington, 3/2

Kevin Heaton kevwsc at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 1 11:12:56 PST 2023

From: poisonfreepledge arlington <arlingtonpoisonfreepledge at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 1:22 PM
To: poisonfreepledge arlington <arlingtonpoisonfreepledge at gmail.com>
Subject: vigil for our bald eagle tomorrow in arlington

Hello everyone,

Many of you may have heard by now and those who have not, I am so sorry to have to share this sad news. Our beautiful beloved bald eagle MK died this morning, succumbing the effects of rodenticide poisoning. She was part of a pair of breeding bald eagles that was the first to nest here in nearly 50 years, since they were wiped out from the state from DDT. One of MK's first offspring, C25, also died of this same poisoning in 2021. With MK's death, we have effectively wiped out the breeding population of bald eagles in our town.

Her death cannot be in vein, so we will be holding a vigil tomorrow, March 2nd, beginning at 5:30pm in front of the Cyrus Dallin museum on the green. >From there, at 6pm, we will march through the town to the town hall and say some words and share some actions to take. Please bring signs and posters, pictures, lights, or just yourselves and your loved ones, so we can collectively grieve, console and collaborate for effective action. After Town Hall, those who are interested may also head over to Whole Foods to do a peaceful demonstration and/or disperse to ask other businesses to give up poisons, if they want to do more before heading home.

Here is Facebook event page for more information:


Please do not hesitate to ask questions and please share far and wide. I am sharing a photograph of MK how I hope we will remember her. Thank you all for caring about our wildlife and your support on phasing out these dangerous poisons.


Save Arlington Wildlife<http://www.SaveArlingtonWildlife.org> - Poison Free Pledge Campaign

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